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Algeria’s President Urges France to Clean up Sites of Nuclear Explosions

 Algeria’s President Urges France to Clean up Sites of Nuclear Explosions

Algeria’s President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has urged the French authorities to clean the sites of the nuclear explosions conducted in the Algerian desert, in the south part of the country between 1957 and 1966.

France continued to carry out atomic experiments even after the indpendence4 of Algeria in 1962 after 132 years of occupation.

The Algerian president interviewed “Le Point” a French magazine and touched a number of matters and thorny files that affect the complicated relations between Algeria and France.

Tebboune affirmed that all the Algerians are waiting for France’s recognizing of its all crimes against the Algerian people over 132 years of colonial oppressive rule.

He also stressed that France is responsible for treating all victims of the nuclear explosion in the country over about ten years in the second half of the 20th century.

It is worth noting that Algeria’s Foreign Minster  Sabri Boukadoum addressed the general assembly of the United Nations (UN) last year on the topic of nuclear waste in his country leftover by France.

He assured that sites of the explosions are still suffering from radiation.

But the Algerian minister couldn’t break the French silence on that matter.

On the other hand,   Pierre Barbie, a French expert in protection from nuclear radiation at Caen University, France, said the winds that blew recently over France from Africa carried with them nuclear radioactive sands.


He explained that it came from areas in the Algerian desert contaminated with nuclear radiation since the beginning of the sixties of the last century because of the 17 tests that Paris conducted there, during its occupation of Algeria, to build its nuclear bomb.

The French expert and consultant to the ACRO laboratories and an associate specialized in radiation monitoring in France, reached these scientifically confirmed results after analyzing a quantity of yellow-colored dust uncharacteristic in the region collected from the “Chapelle de Bois” region in the heights of the Jura at the beginning of February.


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